KAMIG the company
SOS Children's Village

The KAMIG supports the SOS Children's Village project in Rechberg. Visit this project at:


KAMIG the company

KAMIG is a private, independent and successful medium-sized company – a vital enterprise that responsibly processes the non-renewable raw materials kaolin, quartz sand and clay in a production process that extracts the materials economically from the deposits.
Every employee of KAMIG is a valuable asset and contributes to the success of the company to the best of his or her ability.
Our greatest strength: Flexibility! We are capable of reacting quickly to changing environmental and market conditions and we are investing continuously to provide the company with modern equipment to ensure optimum customer satisfaction.

KAMIG production facilities

The only currently known kaolin deposits in Austria worth mining are located in Upper Austria, on the southern edge of the “Bohemian Massif”, in the area around Schwertberg. Both mining operations of KAMIG are located in the lower Mühlviertel district between Tragwein, Allerheiligen and Mauthausen. The principal operation is located in Kriechbaum, where kaolin and quartz sand are extracted, and in Mistlberg kaolin is mined as a raw material for the brick industry. Because of the rail connection the administrative office and some of the kaolin processing are located in Aisthofen near Schwertberg. Caterpillars and hydraulic diggers are used to extract the kaolin in open-cast mining. With our large storage capacity (capacity in Aisthofen up to 8,000 t) we are able to meet customer requirements flexibly and quickly.

KAMIG philosophy

KAMIG is the competent, reliable contact in the fields of quartz sand as well as in logistics.
Our company lays particular stress on the highest quality. Because of this we are always at pains to offer our customers intelligent and flexible solutions at competitive market prices.
For decades KAMIG has had its own quality assurance system, and samples are continuously being taken to be tested for suitable quality parameters in our own laboratory.